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The single-tooth anesthesia wand provides increased comfort and decreased anxiety when it comes to dental procedures requiring anesthetization. The wand looks like a small pen with an extremely small needle at the tip. The anesthesia wand works by numbing the individual tooth your dentist needs to work on. The device is unique in the way that it delivers a flow of anesthesia all controlled by a computer.

Because of the wand’s less intimidating appearance, it is a great option if you are nervous around shots and needles or if you experience extreme dental phobia or anxiety. It is especially useful for children who aren’t yet accustomed to injections.

Anesthesia Wand Benefits

There are many benefits that come with using the anesthesia wand, including:

  • Single-tooth numbness: Since the wand only anesthetizes one tooth, you won’t leave your dentist’s office with a completely numb mouth.
  • Complete computer control: The device automatically controls and regulates the flow rates and pressure during injection, which maximizes injection predictability and precision.
  • Dynamic pressure-sensing technology: The technology monitors the exit pressure of the anesthetic for precise needle position during the administration process. Your dentist also receives visual and audio feedback from the unit, aiding in the correct placement for the injection.