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Our Practice

At the office of Dr. Macias and Dr. Pelekanos, we believe that creating a truly beautiful smile is a highly collaborative process. We begin by listening to our patients: their desires, their goals for health, and their very personal perceptions of beauty. We take time to understand their concerns and to thoroughly answer their questions.

Our office primarily focuses on comprehensive aesthetic dentistry and offers cosmetic prosthodontic services such as porcelain veneers, crowns, orthodontics, Muscle relaxing injections and implant replacement of teeth. Dr. Macias has 30 years of expertise in the field of Sleep Disordered breathing and Sleep Apnea. He and Dr. Pelekanos work in partnership with you to create a smile more reflective of nature and not perceived by others as artificial. Utilizing world class ceramists, the finest materials, and other highly respected medical and dental specialists, we provide comprehensive general and esthetic dentistry and artistic smile design. The result is an enduringly beautiful and functional smile that is uniquely your own.

Your smile is an expression of who you are, therefore there is not a one-size fits all solution. We sit down with you and discuss your particular needs and customize a specific treatment. We then skillfully implement the latest technology to ensure optimal results.

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Click here to learn more about Dr. Macias and Dr. Pelekanos.

C. Roger Macias, DDS

C. Roger Macias, DDS

A native of San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Macias attended Catholic elementary school and graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in 1975 and received his undergraduate degree in Biology from St. Mary’s University. He continued his dental education at the University of Texas Health Science Center Dental School at San Antonio and graduated in 1983. While establishing his private practice, Dr. Macias was an assistant professor in the Department of General Practice at the UT Dental School from 1983 until 1989.

A great love of sports drove Dr. Macias to become involved with sports dentistry, having served as the team dentist for the San Antonio Spurs.

He is also a dentist for the San Antonio Rampage, the WNBA San Antonio Silver Stars, the San Antonio Missions Baseball Club as well as numerous college universities and high schools in the south Texas area. This love of sports was a natural fit to become part of the Texas Center for Athletes project. Dr. Macias began his current practice with the intent to provide patients customized care and professional results.

Dr. Macias offers comprehensive aesthetic and restorative dentistry including veneers, crowns, dental implants. He has a great interest in the treatment of disorders of the TMJ and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Dr. Macias is active in numerous dental study clubs and is currently a faculty professor at the world renowned L.D. Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education in Key Biscayne, Florida. Among Dr. Macias’s many accolades and awards, he has received his Fellowship in the American and the International College of Dentistry as well as the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Since 2006 and yearly he has been selected as one of a select few San Antonio dentists to earn the designation "Texas Super Dentists in General Practice" in a survey conducted by Texas Monthly Magazine. In September of 2020, Dr. Macias received most prestigious award given to a Texas dentist by the Texas Academy of General Dentists, THE TEXAS DENTIST OF THE YEAR! In October of 2020, Dr. Macias received the Inagural "Distinguished Alumnus Award" , givenby the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School.

Personally speaking, Dr. Macias was ordained as a permanent Deacon in the Catholic Church and is assigned as a Deacon to San Fernando Cathedral. Married for over 36 years to his bride Esther, they have a daughter, Devin, a Maternal Fetal Medicine physician and her husband, Weston, a Surgical Oncologist), and a son, Trey who along with his wife Samantha are professional musicians in Los Angeles, California.

Alexis Pelekanos, DDS

Alexis Pelekanos, DDS

Dr. Alexis Pelekanos graduated magna cum laude at USC with a bachelor's degree in Psychology, a minor in Natural Science, and a doctorate in Dental Surgery. She earned her accreditation with the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), and is proficient in Digital Dentistry, Invisalign, and Six Month Smiles. Her professional association affiliations include the American Dental Association, Phi Beta Kappa, and Alpha Lambda Dental. She has been featured in Maniac Magazine with appearances in the "Women of Power" and "Pittsburgh Icons" issues. Dr. Alexis is proud native of Pittsburgh and is excited to put down roots in San Antonio and join our lovely community.

In her free time, Dr. Alexis likes to spend time with her husband, her two kids, Athena and Konstantine, and friends. She loves music, exercise, travel, and rooting for her hometown Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins. She couldn't live without a good cup of coffee, prayer time, great Greek food, dental floss, and wine!

"My training was rigorous and very high-tech, with an emphasis in esthetic and restorative dentistry. My philosophy is to treat my patients like my own family. I am friendly, gentle, skilled, and extremely passionate about my work. I will offer you the opportunity to smile with pride and confidence."

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